Our little house on the prairie looks like one, big rectangle inside. We love an open floor plan, but there are some things that require a bit more privacy. In our design (which changed 50 times before the building was even delivered and twice since Monday) we wanted to keep it simple and preserve as much continuous space as possible. We finally landed on putting up only two walls, one that would create a bathroom and another to create the "master" bedroom. I have a difficult time calling the only real bedroom a master bedroom, but it is where my husband and I will sleep. These two walls are at opposite ends of the building, so the shared space will be in the middle.
Last Sunday, after church, we invited some of our family out to look at the homestead. My dad came ready to work and he and my husband managed to build the walls. All of the work has to be done around my husband's rotating work schedule, so we are blessed to have my dad jump in and help on his days off. Yesterday, Rich went and put the walls in place. Now it is starting to look like something! Next week we will be running electrical wire and hopefully have some power by the following week. I'm more looking forward to the plumbing, though. When that is in place, then we can start finish work, like wall covering. Plus, when we have an operating toilet, the family trips to the homestead will be more enjoyable and we will be able to pitch in for longer stretches. It's really happening!
Looking into the master bed. |
Looking into the bathroom. |
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